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Black leather sneakers – Chaniotakis

Original price was: 149.00€.Current price is: 74.00€.

Black leather sneakers – Chaniotakis

Women’s leather sneakers

Normal fit

Handmade in Greece






about chaniotakis

Chaniotakis is more than just a product company. It is the style and culture of walking. A luxury shoe brand, which is exclusively designed and produced in Greece, and created entirely with refined materials and care.


In an age of fast consumption and poorly constructed products, chaniotakis focus only on pieces that are timeless and well-crafted. They offer a curated collection of goods that we feel confident to stand behind in both design and craftsmanship.

When they design a shoe, they have already envisioned the woman that will choose them to be her own. We understand what she wants, what she thinks, what she sees, and where she wants to go. Then, they create a shoe for her that will make her want to walk through today and into tomorrow. Every creation of Chaniotakis is produced by experienced hands and has an expression of elegance, class, and love for real beauty.

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